What I Find Lovely
When she goes to bed early
When I can awake before her to watch her breathe
When I can travel to distant lands, pointing out the cloud shadows on mountains
Windows down, inhaling all of the enchantments of the forests, and of course the smell of wet road
When we frolic through cornfields
When we frolic downhill to the cool blue waters of the pebbly streams
When the waves of thunder roar and lighting strikes, and she screams
Movie Friday, hot buttered popcorn and red velvet seats
The lights that dim in accordance to the screen
When she says I am pretty unexpectantly
Stacks of fluffy golden pancakes, slathered in rich maple tree cream
The sound of his tires breaking hard against the tar, feet marching on gravel
I know he is coming to hug me
When the birds are chirping to alert me it is day and the night did not kill me
I live yet another bright shinny morning
When my mother asks me if I would like tea
When the doctors tell you your all healthy
Root beer floats in icy glass mugs, with just the right amount of each
Rain on sheet metal
Wind chimes blowing in the Spring breeze
Fall time fires, crackling, glowing against the burnt orange trees
Season of the Witch, songs of the 1960s
Festivals of which I could never attend, but could dream
Wines and cheeses and revealing dresses, kisses to please
Coffee and loose talk, lavender earl grey tea
Crepes and scrapple, God have mercy!
And lots of money.