Her Snowflakes My Susanne
Don't fret my love because I'm loud
But see that your soul does not linger
between waves of sound and rolling laughter
but deep within the magnitude of silence
I constantly yearn for and draw myself in
and right there
at the back of my head
and inside my heart
is where you shall find yourself
even with
Trembling hands
and dilated pupils
with that smile of yours
filled with all the love
that should have been granted you
and I'll hold you
and push your boundaries
just enough for you
to tell me to get fucked
I'll cherish
your broken words
and turn your shame
into rays of sun
because your heart is pure
and your mind as of a child
and buckling
breathing in snow
for way to many miles
I'll walk next to your staccato steps
and sing soft tunes in vibrato
so you'll remember
and float steady in legato
Because deep inside my broken heart
there is a love that's more profound
Where I'll embrace your mind in silence
and firmly build your grounds