This is Your Brain on Drugs
"Why is Jimmy running around naked outside?" Anne asked.
"Jimmy, get off the shrooms, man!" Adam yelled out the window, although he looked thoroughly entertained by the sight.
"Since when did he get shrooms? He literally finished rehab, like, two months ago," Sarah questioned. Everyone's eyes fell on Adam who nervously laughed.
"I mean... you can go to the Safeway and get yourself some mushrooms. The cut ones. Uncut. The bigass ones. Shiitake--"
"Just... stop. Please." Candace held up a hand in a polite way to get Adam to shut the fuck up. And Adam did so because an irritated Candace is a homicidal Candace.
"Let's just let him run out his high," Colby suggested, wincing when Jimmy fell to his knees and began sobbing uncontrollably about how he'll be alone forever. A heavy silence fell over Jimmy's friends. Then Anna spoke up again, clearing her throat awkwardly with her cheeks gradually reddening.
"I-I didn't realize he's uncircumcised..."
"You better keep that in mind for later," Adam muttered under his breath.