Men blamed feminists for
The protection of women
Being forced into the military.
They are uprising against us
Because now we have no choice
-as if we ever had one-
But to fight along our men.
But I do not fear the men
In turbans who are my "enemies."
I fear the men who will be standing
By side, the men who will watch me,
The men who will know where I sleep,
The men who are protected from the
Law and who are never held accountable
For their actions. I fear the men in
Uniforms like me because my chances
Of being raped by my fellow brothers in
Arms is higher than my actual death.
Men blamed feminists and now
Women will be drafted into the war.
They congratulate their system when they
Are the ones who built the broken
System. They are the ones who kept
Women from protecting their country
When all we wanted was to help.
But truly, a war that forces people to serve
Is not a war worth fighting for.