In the Beginning...
In the ancient history of the Sins of the Father series began long ago (15 billion years) after all-powerful beings called celestials fought each other in a great civil war, which resulted in the death of one universe and the birth of another. In the outcome only three had survived (Creator, Life, and Death). Together they founded a new paradise and crafted new lifeforms in their own image, to rebuild what was lost in their world. Two worlds were the most promising, yet one was given more attention than the other. It became a kingdom of light, a sanctuary for the pure. This world was known as Heaven and its first inhabitants were called angels. What these beings did not know was that they were not the only ones to have survived.
Yet there was one other celestial to have survived. This entity, known only as Corruption, made its way to Heaven to try and take control of it. The three ruling celestials fought back and beaten Corruption back. Beaten and broken, Corruption scoured the universe until coming across a second world, and within his last breath shaped its inhabitants in his own twisted image. The world died and forged from fire and brimstone. The inhabitants became violent and manic, preying on one another. This sickened world became known as the Inferno (or more commonly known as Hell) and its corrupted inhabitants demons.
Eventually after millions and millions of years of development in the known universe, a third would eventually be molded. Yet that is a story for another time...