In the Beginning...
In the ancient history of the Sins of the Father series began long ago (15 billion years) after all-powerful beings called celestials fought each other in a great civil war, which resulted in the death of one universe and the birth of another. In the outcome only three had survived (Creator, Life, and Death). Together they founded a new paradise and crafted new lifeforms in their own image, to rebuild what was lost in their world. Two worlds were the most promising, yet one was given more attention than the other. It became a kingdom of light, a sanctuary for the pure. This world was known as Heaven and its first inhabitants were called angels. What these beings did not know was that they were not the only ones to have survived.
Yet there was one other celestial to have survived. This entity, known only as Corruption, made its way to Heaven to try and take control of it. The three ruling celestials fought back and beaten Corruption back. Beaten and broken, Corruption scoured the universe until coming across a second world, and within his last breath shaped its inhabitants in his own twisted image. The world died and forged from fire and brimstone. The inhabitants became violent and manic, preying on one another. This sickened world became known as the Inferno (or more commonly known as Hell) and its corrupted inhabitants demons.
Eventually after millions and millions of years of development in the known universe, a third would eventually be molded. Yet that is a story for another time...
#sinsofthefather #fantasy #fiction #mythology
In the darkness...came a thought.
In the darkness...came a thought. "What if I were not alone?"
Then another thought came, "What if I could make it so I wasn't alone?"
Then another thought, "Why is it so dark? First thing's first..." and a 'snap' of their fingers and a sudden big 'bang' was felt...
Then there was light, "Ah, much better..." thought the one who creates. Looking at all of the lights! Then thought, "Perhaps we should put some order to things..." and with a swirl of their finger...the heavens in the stars were put in order.
Then leaning on their elbow, watched for a millenia as the stars and heavens put themselves into order. Until one moment, when a peaceful planet, with oceans and seas, and lands full of trees caught their eye and thought. "My, that looks quite lovely...perhaps there should be others such as me that should be there, too"
But the one who creates didn't know quite how to do it at first. They put there finger onto the lands and they broke...into a bunch of pieces. They looked around to see if anyone saw but...they chuckled because they remembered...they were the only one around.
"Pity, that..."
Then they eased up pressure...and was able to move the things back to where they were. Then they went to waters and lands, pointed and said..."let the lands and waters give forth life" And it abundance. They smiled and were pleased.
Then said, "What's missing?" And then they reached into the ground and started to draw a figure, like a child in a sandbox. They reached down and gently breathed into it. And the form took shape of flesh and breathed on its own. The creature stood before them and said, "hello"
The one who creates nodded and was pleased and said, "Hiya"
Nov 13, 2009
My boy, my dear boy. I hope this letter gets to you. The fate of your happiness depends on whether you read this. There's this place of grandeur, hidden deep within the highest mountanous forests. Where dreams are a reality. faeries and elves roam in the trees, blossoming flowers and causing mischief. Great warriors of every kind live there, living in the shadows, all with the mindset of their creator. Finding this place has been an issue for all dream goers. They spend all their lives searching for this place, everytime turning bitter, losing the creativity that created their childhood friends. As they turn bitter, the darkness is their minds feeds on the happiness that made these creatures. These creatures writhe in pain as the darkness consumes their purity, turning them into horrible creatures, hellbent on destroying the dream paradise. If they can't find it, no one can. Now, Stories say if you have these three things, the location of paradise will be given.
A dash of reversing hate
will be in your fate
Save the happiest from sadness
naught you'll turn to madness
Take the forgotten locket
and place it in its handlers socket
With these, paradise will please
and your journey will go with ease.
This is the secret of getting into the Paradise of Dreams. I coud never find it, Now my bitterness has come at a cost. My grandchild, my boy Parker. Please find this paradise and tell me about when you see me again.
,Grandpa Marcus