This is this portal's 100th challenge. Let's celebrate by writing something romantic or erotic with only 100 words total.
Anything romantic or erotic (your choice) using 100 words total. Let's get sexy!
Romance Novel
I want to tiptoe
inside of you
in the corner shop
of crimson visions,
feel my soft fingers
squeeze your pages,
touching silky words
with erotic imagination
of lust, feeling your spine.
Taste longing words
with wild imagination,
strip your wanton covers
leaving you bare
spread open your center.
Trace your breath
along your phrases,
digest your juices,
take my virginity.
Make you feel
used and abused.
Take you out
of closeted bookshelf
of bare and exposed
leather skinned essence.
Won’t leave you forlorn
alone in the dust.
Open you up wide,
expose your inner core
to sensual possibilities.