That’s Who I’m Raising
That 5 year old girl, that 1 year old boy
Teaching them the way of life
Teaching them when to fight
Fight for themselves and each other when they can
And understand that I will go toe to toe with ANY man when they feel they can't
Teaching them to love themselves
Love that melanin you were blessed with
Don't let them tell you when your crown needs to be adjusted
To my little black girl, you will be great
Because no stereotype will determine your fate
To my little black boy, you will go far
Because strength was embedded in you before you became who you are
Don't fear snacking on your Skittles, or drinking your Arizona Tea
Don't fear taking a knee
Don't fear recording injustice
Don't fear speaking up for us
Because y'all are the voice...
The voice of the lost, the hurt, the confused, the broken
Some may look at me and ask,
"Who do you think you're raising...because your delivery is quite brazen?"
Well here, let me break it down for you.
You see that little black girl, she is
Charleena Lyles, gunned down while pregnant
7 YEAR OLD Aiyana Stanley-Jones, gunned down while sleeping AT HOME
India Kager, just an innocent fucking bystander riding home with her family
That little black boy, he is
Botham Shem Jean, gunned down by an intrusive BITCH with a badge...IN HIS HOME
Trayvon Martin, chased and gunned down by COWARD with a badge
Victor White III, shot and placed in handcuffs as a cover up
Lest we forget Sandra Bland, Tamir Rice, Eric Garner, Tanisha Anderson, Michael Brown, Yvette Smith, and unfortunately so many more.
This is OUR truth, and part of OUR story.
So pardon me, no FUCK THAT...PARDON YOU, if I seem brazen
But that's who I KNOW I'm raising!