Forbidden love...
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Forbidden love is prohibited. Love that is taboo.
Love that is banned... but by who?
Who makes the rules for love? Why are we so impure?
Why are we so unclean? Why do we procure?
Love is not limitless. Love does prevail.
We mesh, we connect, we love to no avail.
So why forbidden, why not allowed?
Why can’t we proclaim our love out loud!
Why do we hide, like a lecherous lowlife.
I want to devote to you for my whole life.
Out in public, for all to see.
Let’s show the whole, let’s be carefree.
Forbidden love drains me right to my core.
Why are we frowned upon, why do they abhor.
Why the secrets, this is reality.
This is true life.
Forbidden love happens to the best of us, stop hiding from the truth.
Stop hiding your desires, feed that sweet tooth.