Her eyes
Waves of hair
Strike the vastness of the universe that lies within me:
A nebula of romanticism sparkles outwardly beyond sight
"Her" , is nameless
So that
If "Her"
Is merely a mirage of my mind
Then she is an infinity
Enlighten me.
"Her" is a vision, that illuminates my soul.
With a boot, each step is a tug to
Day and Night
Darkness and reinvention.
She lived once near
Now afar
Returning in instances to torture
To knot my chest
Turn my head every which way
And turn me from fertile soil
To mud
The bitterness that I hold is not mine
But "Hers"
May years do you well
Let the features which are cared for as a child is
A person so torn, and provoked
With a prickly exterior.
"Her", has: fallen, escaped, vanished, tarnished
A witch not
a forgotten pup not
Certainly a lost wanderer.
Stolen innocence
Will be substituted for love.
Obsession will be focused on passion
Stupidity(which is happiness) is ours
"Her" a beacon
Or an apple from which Eve plucked