Dear me
Dear me,
There are so many questions I need to have answered, and I don't know where to begin. What is the world like where you are from? Is everyone still so wrapped up in the technology that only a choice few take time to even read? Do people still keep secrets from those they are closest to, or has humanity started to bring back a sense of morality? I fear for what the future may bring, but always hope for the best. However, I cannot deny that I fear I may have changed, too. When you are living, what am I like? Do I hold on to my beliefs, or do I abandon all I've ever learned? Am I still as carefree as I am now, or have I for once believed what people say about me to be true? Have I been as kind as I hope I have? If not, where did I go wrong? I need to know exactly how to fix me if I leave the me I am now. So, me, I have one more question.
Who am I?