Dear me
Dear me,
There are so many questions I need to have answered, and I don't know where to begin. What is the world like where you are from? Is everyone still so wrapped up in the technology that only a choice few take time to even read? Do people still keep secrets from those they are closest to, or has humanity started to bring back a sense of morality? I fear for what the future may bring, but always hope for the best. However, I cannot deny that I fear I may have changed, too. When you are living, what am I like? Do I hold on to my beliefs, or do I abandon all I've ever learned? Am I still as carefree as I am now, or have I for once believed what people say about me to be true? Have I been as kind as I hope I have? If not, where did I go wrong? I need to know exactly how to fix me if I leave the me I am now. So, me, I have one more question.
Who am I?
Letter to the Future
Dear Haley,
I know right now you're afraid, anxious about the future that awaits. Everyday, you're worried about Mom and Dad, concerned with the substance taking over their lives. On a daily basis, you pray and hope things won't go awry again. But, you have great blessings in your life, too, rays of light that shine through. You have three caring brothers who will always be there to protect you and make yours days a bit brighter. You have wonderful friends who understand and just want you to be happy. You have three adorable kitties who love and want to cuddle with you. Despite all the darkness, there is light, and better days await you in the future.
At the moment, you're doing what you love most: writing. Currently, you're not skilled enough to make a living off it, but no matter what, you adore to write. It brings joy and clarity to sometimes colorless days. And who knows, maybe someday you can make it your career; we'll just have to wait and see. You've experienced some sadness living with Mom and Dad. You don't understand how a simple substance could damage your family the way it has, especially when everything was so great before the alcohol thundered in. But things were once great, and they can be great again. Besides, you have a part-time job you're working hard at, saving money from. You want to help them, but if need be, you'll take the money you have and leave Mom and Dad. Sometimes, you have to think of yourself first, but I guess what really happens here will be another mystery for you to debunk.
What I'm trying to say is this: Haley, no matter what, there is always a chance for things to become better. The present, no matter how bleak, can always become brighter in the future. And above all, there's always something to continue living for; whether it's to see your best friend smile at you again, to laugh and joke with your brothers once more, or to cuddle with the kitties you so dearly love. There. Is. Always. Something. After all, you're living proof of that.
With Love,
Your Present Self