The Tables, Turned. Perhaps it's somebody you vehemently disagree with, or somebody whose actions are incomprehensible to you. Write from the perspective of somebody you don't understand. What is their story? Fiction or non-fiction, poetry or Prose.
Ended March 13, 2019 • 46 Entries • Created by Prose
Oh my ghouls, no >//< But both of my parents are, lol(, and I think I wanna become an art teacher). I was a Senior when I wrote this, about a kid in my Social Skills class. (I had technically graduated from the class my Sophomore year, but I chose to stay in it anyway because I liked the class [before that last year anyway, haha].) That class was a complete mess.... We hardly ever got anything done because of how rude some of the students were....
If I recall correctly, this was actually me trying to write from another student's perspective as an attempt to understand him. I can't believe I didn't mention this in my response.