The mystery always begins
With being told it’s time for bed
Just as the theme tune to
Take if the unexpected begins.
So the only option is to creep downstairs
Avoiding the creaky floorboards as you do
To watch the tv show which captivates you
Through the narrow crack in the door that
Your mum uses to listen out for your footfalls.
You rarely get caught but...
You just have to watch that show
Waking up super early on a Saturday morning
Of your own volition
To watch Saturday morning children’s TV
Although waking up that early in the week is a myth
An annoyance adults inflict on children
Just so they don’t have to suffer alone
When they rise for work.
How little we know.
That famous sentence uttered by many a child.
When I grow up I’ll always stay up late.
A statement you wish you could live up to
But struggle to enact.
The fervent exclamations of childhood
The games
The love
The wanderlust of being alive and if simply being.
We must never lose that inner child
The innocence
The truth speaker
The kindness that dwells naturally within.
To the adult you have become
Shake that child awake with a vigorous activity.
Abseiling. Rock climbing.
Going to the fair.
But something that shook your senses as a child and made you present and aware
Of all the wonderful things you wished to accomplish.
We built an igloo one winter and
Marvelled at the fact that somewhere in this world,
Someone had the joy of living like this at some point.
Be the child still.
Capture the heart of your inner child
And fall in love with yourself.
Rekindling those embers and stocking the flames