...like midnight breeze blowing through sheer curtains, a symphony of melancholia...
caresses tiny black heart on my wrist, pulsating underneath my cold pale skin..
vaporous nostalgia falls with cadence, yield a drop of time-worn emotion, melts aimlessly into thickened grey retrospection... eyes wide shut, murmuring a lost prayer in flowing whiskey till multicellular effect slowly shifting...
feverishly tracking the last remnants of our dreams amongst twinkling constellations in valourous night sky and I find myself swaying on the windowsill, whistling sirens down the breeze...
...so I can sway at the tip of your lazy pen when you sit quietly, gazing out over the shore of Georgia Strait and a sunbeam slants through your dusty window as the wind whispers in your ears and your reflective soul starts pouring out...
dumping ink and tears all over blank white papers
..telling story of yesterdays..
..our words remain..
...an ode to those seemingly endless nights across the Pacific ocean...