Challenge Ended
Challenge of the Week CXXVI
Obsession. Write about obsession. Simple. Fiction or non-fiction, poetry or Prose.
Ended June 19, 2019 • 103 Entries • Created by Prose
I love him, simple as that. I think about him day in and day out. His laughter, his jokes and just him. But, the question is, is it all a lie? I love him right? But do I want to ruin what we have as friends? It is almost an obsession how many times I go over in my head what I should do. I mean I want to tell him, is it worth possible destruction though? I do not want to lose him, but would I rather stay where I am or leap for something greater? It is as though my heart is taking shelter from the situation and allowing my insecure brain to take full control. I have cried myself a hurricane going back and forth, listening to individuals advice. Yet I always retreat back to my own unsteady advice. Rather be safe then sorry right? Rather have a friend then nothing at all right? I am not so sure anymore.