it was the best of times it was the worst of times
it was the best of times it was the worst of times. i woke up in a place i called home. went to sleep in a place that was unfamiliar.
it was the best of times, when the cool brezzy wind awakened me, it was the worst of times when i realized that the brezze only can from a fan that swirled over me in a white room.
it was the best of times when i realized i was getting some attention and seemingly real care, it was the worst of times when i discovered that that they were doctors poking and marveling over me.
it was the best of times when i saw that they clock struck two and i was still in bed it was the worst of times when to sound of the morphine alarms sang a low repeated note.
it was the best of times when i looked down at myself and realized that my tummy was flat and toned, it was the worst of times when i felt a tube down my throat and a scar on my stomach. it was the best of times when i drifted off to sleep it was the worst of times when i didn't wake up.