The lamest superpower ever
Be unexpected! Poetry or prose, all good.
ability to see ghosts but..............
The bus begins to pull off when a tap is heard on the door. It's a woman boarding.
Her face crinkle's into a smile and she winks at me.
“You can see me?”
“I'm blind, you know.”
how can she see me?
How can she hear me?
Omg, she's the one!
“I can sense your presence almost like a body but much lighter a vibration you haven't found the light yet have you?”
“I've been stuck on this bus for eternity I’m trying to get a message across I've been waiting for you a blind woman who can see dead people —no offense, can you help me?”
She stands there her eyes hushed.
“Yes” she says.
“Omg thank you I just want him to know I love him and the answer is yes he’ll understand when you tell him.”
“Thank you!”