Limerick Poem
Write a limerick poem on any topic you'd like. Must follow the formatting rules. Basis of scoring will be on likes, reads, comments, and "damn" factor. Have fun, and enter more than one poem if you want. No limit on number of words, please don't limit your creativity as long as it follows within the format of a limerick. A limerick is a five lined poem going AABBA.
A 7-10 syllables
A 7-10 syllables
B 5-7 syllables
B 5-7 syllables
A 7-10 syllables
They told me I could do anything
Yet when I finally began singing
They said it was wrong
And that all along
I should just be mute, and say nothing
Walking here in the midnight sun
Remembering what you had done
Lone tears begin to fall
Wish I could take it all
And go back to when we were one