A positive test
Put her positivity to rest
Tears, more tears.
Daily, “What do I do?”
No answer will ever be best.
Face soaked in tears
Nauseous from a baby
Nauseous from the fear
I’ll hold her hair and stay right here
She’s scared
She’s worried
“Why me?”
“Why now?”
“My family will kill me.”
“The father will hit me.”
“I used multiple methods.”
“I only had sex once.”
“I swear I was safe.”
Pregnancy won’t discriminate.
The first pill.
There’s no going back.
Maybe she hesitates
Maybe she forces herself not to think.
She places the pill in her mouth.
She swallows.
The second pill.
She’s ready for the nausea and pain.
Hours later, it’s began:
Her undies soaked in blood clots and stains.
The pregnancy tissue passes.
She sees it.
She cries.
Girls and women
Any age, any income
Atheist or a belief in heaven
All face a difficult decision
No one does it easily
#poetry #abortion #healthcare #medicine #pills #nausea #pregnancy