I can't pretend
that I don't care
to understand.
I need the truth
even if it makes
my heart sink
in my ocean
of despair.
I haven't learned
how to tread my emotions.
is a popularity contest
and I'm not everyone's
weak ass cup of tea.
I'm not special;
I know there are others
like me.
Show yourselves
The ones who
may not interview well.
Most of the people
you meet
never make it past
being called
an acquaintance.
You aren't
particularly charming
and you're not a
a ray of cancer causing
People like us
who work hard
and don't have a
clown smile
painted on our faces
end up filing bullshit
or answering phones.
We are smart.
We are loving.
We don't need
to have people need us.
We are strong.
too fuckin strong.
Rejection is too
prevalent in ours lives.
I was just told
I give out
benefit of the doubt
like I am Oprah.
You get the benefit of the doubt!
You get the benefit of the doubt!
Everyone gets the benefit of the doubt!
Check under your chairs....
unlimited benefit of the doubt!
I set myself up.
I expect too much
out of the world.
I know
It doesn't owe me shit.
But damn,
let me get something
out of this.
"Throw dirt on me and get a wildflower"--Lil Wayne