No one speaks out against it.
They fear being punished for doing so,
That their hard work will go to waste,
Their words and work falling on deaf, stubborn minds.
They learn the hard way,
How not to try,
Just so they can balance it all.
They learn to work through it.
And since they learn, they forget.
They forget how it felt
To drown under pressure;
They forget the pain.
And they don't care either.
They're done with it;
They've passed.
What's the point of working to change it?
They don't worry about those who come next;
Changing a system so old isn't worth it
When they won't reap the benefits.
Those to come will learn just like they did.
But I urge you to fight.
Argue like you're supposed to.
Not for yourself, but for the future.
For your kids that you may not yet have.
It's too much.
We all know it,
Yet we're too scared to admit it
to the people who need to hear it.
I've done the math:
It's not feasible.
People have done the research:
It's not healthy.
The stress of us is far greater
than that of most jobs,
So why aren't we changing
the amount of coursework in higher education?
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