I took a drive through your town
Past all the hidden houses
Out into the hills that echo with your voice
The sky as open and vast as your joy
The turns and bends that were your home
Through the fields of aspen trees
Oh how in fall, you loved their bright yellow leaves
It's almost spring
Summer is just around the corner and I'd like it to come a little slower
This winter has been cold and normally I'd be celebrating it being over
Not this year
Summer is where I feel you the most and you won't be here
I drove to the end of the road canyon
Followed the river down as well as I could and remembered the time we spent there
Kayaking down, floating on tubes, coolers filled with booze
I would've jumped in, right then, if it meant I'd be a little closer to you
I listened to country and shared your stories
You were such an intricate being
The way you were stubborn for no reason
Or how no matter what you knew, you were certain
The way you bought ice and Diet Coke from the gas station instead of the grocery store
Convenience somehow made it worth more
You always asked if your friends were hungry
If we replied, "Well, I don't have any money,"
You'd rebuttal, "I'll ask you again. Are you hungry?"
I can't even hear someone say, "Ya know what I mean?" without crying
In a room of people you love, we're laughing and I swear I can hear just a little Willie chuckling
Your presence was freeing
You gave life meaning
That drive, painful and cleansing
But good and needed
One last loop past your house
I parked out front to pause
Not sure I had the strength to pull in
All the lights still on, it's like you never left
Just hiding away in there, waiting for someone to waltz in
You'd greet them with a hug and a grin
A gas station cup and a cigarette lit
I pulled into the driveway, but I couldn't stay
I might have the strength tomorrow, but not today