I look at the sky and wonder if you can see the same constellations that I can.
I wonder what the sky looks like over there.
Are the lights too bright?
I’ve never lived in a big city.
Only semi-urban, with smaller buildings, less lights.
Can you hear crickets outside?
Do you have the same kinds of insects over there?
I wonder what it’s like to live near the other ocean.
Do the beaches look different?
I don’t exactly love beaches, though.
Happens when you grow up around them.
I would ask about theme parks, but you have those too.
Maybe we could go together one day.
I want to watch the sun set with you.
And the stars come out.
That is, if you don’t mind me gushing about astrology for a bit.
Maybe you’ll be okay with that.
Maybe one day I’ll know what it’s like over there.
Maybe not tonight.
But we can still watch the stars.