Cold Cleansing
It doesn't hit often, this feeling I get
but when it does, it's like its making
up for lost time...
This feeling of helplessness
of being so empty that you
can't love yourself
and then it hits,
these unjustifiable tears
that pour like
a faucet
and after
when your eyes
are husks and the
winds begins to take them
the only feeling is this empiness
that still consumes you and you feel
unloved and unworthy of the love people
have for you that you can't seem to feel
anymore, try as you might every step is leaden
which contadicts how you feel so you sleep
and when two or three days go by with no rest
from these induced emotional slumbers, you get up
and turn the shower on and the cold water feels
so good from the heat and salt of your eyes
that you almost cry tears of happiness
from the emptiness that is washing
away down your face and into the
And you look at yourself as the scent of
soap and water fill your senses giving
you hope, hope that this feeling
doesn't come again at least
for a while
and you
want to
a new....
from the cold cleansing