Most Of All, I’m Sorry
Ever since I lost her friendship, I've fealt awful.
When I see hoolihoops my stomache knots, and when I go into my garage I just want to leave as fast as I can. I haven't listenedd to music on my radio, since I listened to it once when she was over. Every time I think of Anne of Green Gables, I want to cry.
I've dreamed about her, too. I see her in my dreams, and she forgives me- it's wonderful, until I wake up and feel awful.
Every time I even think something arrogant or know-it-all-ish, I hurriedly drown myself in my books, only to remember her whenever I think about cellos or Hufflepuffs.
I remember all the lunches we've had togther and all the times we made each other laugh, all the times we would wait for each other to finish getting dressed after P.E. so that we could walk to class together, even when we risked being late.
I also remember when she stopped waiting for me, talked less, and started doing things with other girls. I remember the times she stareted ignoring me completely.
I did something a little rude, and I got what came around.
Who's fault it was, who did the worst, who deserves to be shut out completely, it doesn't matter. My eyes are still tearing as I write this, and I miss the girl who used to be my best friend.
Most of all, I'm sorry.