Things are piling up
Many parts of the economy are at standstill.
Unemployment is higher than many can remember it ever having been.
So, too, the national debt has attained levels never before seen as paper no longer backed by gold is infused with hopeful value and spent ostensibly to minimize the suffering of a people wondering how to pay a mortgage, or rent or grocery bills while quietly lining the pockets of businesses…too big to fail.
People are angry and scared. They can’t breathe either because of mandatory masks or societal ills that maim, choke and kill.
Coronavirus cases and deaths continue to soar while people fight over the right not to wear a mask as much of the rest of the world looks on, bewildered, astonished, and perhaps with a sense of superiority as their numbers go down while America’s myriad socioeconomic and poltical issues pile up.
The load may seem heavy, unbearable; the near future may appear dark and hopeless.
But, like all things in life, good or bad, this too, shall pass.