My heart is a ravenous thing
My heart is a ravenous thing
a black hole in my chest
a vacuum forever wanting
with the vigor of a starving child
presented a loaf of bread
and the aplomb of a fat king
on his throne sat to feast
My heart is a ravenous thing
never wholly satiated after the chase
craving the next thrill before
peaking the climax of the last
like a catfish gorging itself to bursting
thinking only of the next meal
but never stopping to taste
My heart is a ravenous thing
an undiscerning sinkhole
opened up massive in the Earth
consuming whole cities in its wake
disimpassioned to the screams
of the unsuspecting swallowed up
whole in the safety of their beds
My heart is a ravenous thing
never subjected to choose
a greedy little goblin
fat sticky fingers forever reaching
pockets already spilling over
shoving more inside its clothes
refusing to make a trade
My heart is a ravenous thing
a great screaming cyclone
tearing across the land
twisted up between earth and sky
incapable of releasing either
from its unrelenting grasp
hurling despair as it devours them both
My heart is a ravenous thing
never worn on my sleeve
you don’t know the way it aches
deep and echoing in my breast
or the sorrowful song it sings
to the metronome of its steady beat
longing and envy and want want want
My heart is a ravenous thing
nothing you deserve
clutching with sharpened talons
to the soft safety of your flesh
hungry for security and
starving for new dangerous lands
it will never let you go
My heart is a ravenous thing
and I fell prey long ago
to its monstrous appetite
step back my love
do not stand too close
if you let your guard down
it will consume us both
#poetry #freeverse #emotional #alittleemoidk #thatsjustwhatimfeeling