It’s not wrong to be homophobic!
Telling people with a neurotic condition that they are wrong is unfair. every mental illness deserves understanding and compassion. personally , i am phobic about cats, spiders, flying, blood , hospitals and math. by implication, my many phobias should be so wrong to get me lynched. all a phobia means is that I have an irrational , exxagarated reaction to the object. so are homophobes. they react clumsily, or stupidly, because there is an underlying fear, that drives them in such a way. the reasons for that may be repressed homosexuality, fear of ambiguity, a change from the classical ideals that they see themselves as part of, a need to live by social norms that lack freedom of choice, etc. whatever the reason, their reaction could be hurtful. THAT IS WRONG. reaching a point that you become physically or verbally abusive as a result of a phobia should be understood, but it should also be descouraged. after all, one of the main methods of treatment for phobic personality disorder is behavior modification therapy. it includes confronting those outward exhibitiont of the phobia. making a person aware that he is suffering from a treatable mental condition, should be done in a non- aggressive way. the person should not feel that he is persecuted. but he should be made aware that his behavior is not tolarated and damaging to other people.