Selective Pruning
No, this isn’t a rambling diatribe about planned parenthood or selling fetal tissue. It’s just a bunch of disjointed thoughts about clipping snippets of my life and encouraging new growth. Selective pruning would get rid of the dead wood and embolden me to flesh out the decaying spots where I made poor decisions. There are so many ramifications to removing parts of the vital spark that is inherent in us all. Removing the particle that hasn’t thrived might make my self inconsistent with my current vitality. What would I plant in the missing spaces? Would I be fooling with mother nature by removing part of me? If I changed the course of my life, would the good things also take a hike?
I’d like to pare down the rotten parts without raping my existence. I wonder if I hadn’t made the same choices, would something even worse emerge? The life skills that I learned during that time of hardship linger to this day, helping me to cope with whatever is thrown my way. Erasing those croppings from my permanence might have eliminated my children or changed their natures. My roots may have gone in a twisted direction, even if I had changed my soil. My genetic code would be forever altered. What if the shearing destroyed the parts that I would like to retain such as artistry and creativity? Well, I’ve talked myself into a decision. I will dwell where I have germinated and be the person that has emerged from the bedrock. I have overcome the storms and tornadoes and foul weather of the past and emerged as a triumphant blossom.