Alliteration 2.0
Alliteration seems to be trendy right now, so here's something a little more complex. Write a poem with 3 stanzas or more, each stanza with a different letter theme and each major word within the stanza starting with that letter. If you want to get really fancy, make it an acrostic poem with each stanza's letter spelling out a word. Hope that makes sense! (note: minor words such as articles, prepositions, and conjunctions don't have to start with the same letter as the rest of the stanza). See my entry below for an example. :)
Pretty pleasant people pretend playing party-host precedes
pleasing paranoid porcupines pricking passerby’s pretending
pain palls past paroxysm peevishly pedantic, petulantly
pigheaded prevaricating probity, pretending platitudes.
After arising almost adamantly,
afraid and abdicating abashed abatements,
atoning abysmal absolvement; accentuating accolades
acquits admonished; albeit: ad-infinitum.
Laden labyrinths languish, less laudable,
lingering lyricists linguistics, lost,
lingeringly liquidated,
loathing luminaries.
This is what it sounds like: