we live as our ancestors lived. millions of years ago.
laying eggs,
raising the offspring,
feeding, oh, god, feeding...
and so, other aspects of that progression are not limited to the ancient past.
i will not hazard to answer if it is best to live a long , full life time with the same person, or if it is better to study quantom mechanics.
but i will say, that each relationship, is a wave that spreads indefinately. it may bounce against other waves, or continue dissipsting on it’s own. observing the geometry, is hazardous. it tends to disturb, and conflict with the symmetry, rather than lets things propagate unhindered.
but beware of setting things up, expecting to have things stay the same. change is in all things, and love and emotiinal attachment are dynamic. if you expect things to stay the same forever, then you clearly do not understand physics, chemistry or humans at all.