It’s The Little Things.
Ever wonder about the things we take for granted. Maybe even why we might take them for granted. I bet most of us don’t really give this a second thought. Sometimes when you do it can be too late.
Technology, wow so much we take for granted. We can write an email from just about anywhere. Who remembers writting letters? Cellphones, you can pick it up at any time and call a loved one or friend. It is nice to hear a friendly voice, so many text anymore. Sometimes it seems we get so wrapped up in technology that we rarely pay attention at a meal or when together.
Spending time with family and friends is something we take for granted. Since the pandemic has changed that. I feel more people have learned the importance of time since we had to quarantime. The little things of a hug on a bad day, a smile, laughing together. Even just hanging out and having a cold one. We don’t realize that we take these for granted until we are not able to do them.
Exporing and travel or road trips. We always think we have time to do these. Well there we go taking time for granted again. We can always take that trip. We can always go see the glaciers for example. Well they are going away. Don’t take time for granted get out and embrace your Wanderlust. Hike the damn mountain. Buy that plane ticket and just go. As they say time waits for no one.
The air we breathe and the water we drink, not to mention the food we eat have been taken for granted. Clean air we breathe we take for granted. Well until the day comes that you can’t breathe. When the air gets thick with smoke from forest fires. Then we appreciate a day with clean air. Having clean water we take for granted. There are places that don’t have clean water to drink and would probably love to have what we have. Even having water to wash the car and water our plants. Just little things we take for granted. Ever been to a farmers market and think for two second how much works it takes the farmers? Probably not, we just think cool, fresh fruits and vegetables.
So many other little things we take for granted. Going for a walk. Having a roof over our heads. Having a bed to sleep in. Having food to eat. The beautiful scenery around us. The roads we drive to get places. The bees that pollinate are plants and crops.
If we we all just stoped once in awhile and took it all in. Maybe we could appreciate all we have and be better people, kinder people. More willing to help others, share experience, reach out, help out. It is time we all started to remember and appreciate the little things.