In this case, I hope everyone knows what a Limerick is. The more humorous the better. The more awful the better. If you have more than one, better still. I hope we can make each other laugh. As always, I'll read them all and then decide on the winner.
A writer, let’s say his name’s Rick,
Tried to craft a new limerick.
He started off fine,
He understood rhyme,
But lost it at the end, not knowing how to end the poem and making it drag on too long, completely ruining the meter and the pace and possibly even ruining the entire challenge, the d!ck.
The poem above needs more care.
To submit it, how did I dare?
Truly ’twas awful,
Maybe unlawful,
I beg forgiveness, Uschibear.
My sentence hangs from the rafter;
There I’ll remain hereafter.
To me please be kind,
And may I remind:
The best medicine is laughter.