Christians: “Stop persecuting me for persecuting others!”
Christian Persecution.
I’m sure you’ve heard this thrown around before. There have been several cases in the past where Christians have thrown the word ‘persecuted’ when things don’t go their way, or when they’re called out on their bullshit. We’ve seen films made by Christian studios such as PureFlix depicting Christians as the persecuted minority in the United States. What a fucking load of bullshit.
The whole idea that Christians in the United States, a country where roughly 70-75 percent of its population is Christian, is bullshit. Christians are not being persecuted in this country. They are not being denied a job or a loan based on their faith. They are not the ones who are denied a wedding cake based on their partners. No one in this country is calling for the extermination of Christianity, or shouting at them to go back to their country. It’s obsurd and disgusting.
From what I’ve seen in my life Christians are not persecuted, they’re normally the persecutors. Obviously when I speak about Christians I don’t mean all Christians. I’m not saying that all Christians are like this. I’m not saying all Christian groups and denominations act like this. When I talk about Christians I’m talking about the homophobic, antisemetic, racist, Young Earth believing, Confederate flag waving, MAGA supporting, have prayer in public schools Christians. I’m referring to Evangelists, Pentacostals, Westboro Baptists, and Jehovah’s Witnesses (although the latter can be considered a cult rather a Christian denomination). I’m talking about the Christians that stormed the Capital back in January. Admittingly, it’s not fair to even call them Christians. Let’s call them what they really are: American ISIS.
So why are these fanatic groups behaving like this? Well it’s like I said earlier, they’re being called out on their bullshit. Back in 2013 a Christian baker refused to make a wedding cake for a lesbian couple due to their beliefs and they rightfully got called out for it. Now I’ve stated before that I don’t have any issues about a person’s belief unless it involves hurting someone. This baker’s belief that gay people shouldn’t marry is an example of their self righteous belief hurting someone.
In the United States Christians are the one the hold the most power. They’re the ones running successful businesses and are in political offices. However as more people of different backgrounds start succeeding and gain influence over the public that causes a power shift, something Christians are definitely afraid of. They like to be in control. They want Christianity to be the only influence in the country. But that’s not how it works. The United States is meant to be a secular nation where all people of different faiths can have an equal share. But in order to gain a footing in the world they had to struggle. Christians don’t struggle. As I mentioned they aren’t pressured to conform to normality. They aren’t the ones who are denied health care. They aren’t denied a job based on their beliefs. They aren’t denied a wedding cake. For the most part they are privileged. And as the old saying goes: when you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.
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