The definition of “God”
Hello Harry, I consider myself an agnostic, which defined, says that I don't associate myself with a religion, but I redefined this to mean, for myself, that I don't know. Because, really, that is the most responsible stance.
What is your specific definitionof an "atheist"?
I've delved a bit into the Sumeriam texts, and Jewish mysticism, which I find fascinating, and a few other texts, and I've thus far concluded that nobody knows and nearly everything that anyone believes they know are just what they have read that someone else has written and deemed to be fact, and there is so much text that has been mis and rerepresented, most of it doesn't even resemble the original it was construed from, and brings to mind a striking resemblance to the grade school game of
"Telephone", where everyone sits in circle and the "operator" whispers a phrase to the player on their right, and this passing on continues and ends once the "operator" is informed of the phrase, which, quite often, varies drasrically from the original phrase.
This is what I think. There were humans or humanoids before the Bible or the Gilgamesh (probably spelling that wrong, my apologies!) text from the Sumerians. Anything that was recorded before then has either been lost or destroyed or not available to the general public. Now there are possibly other ways of acquiring information, which I won't get into now, but my personal opinion is that NO ONE knows or can possibly ever know from whom or how all of existence came to be. We can thoeorize all we want, but I believe that no matter what intelligence we achieve, we are always stonewalled by the ultimate question of how existence came to be. Now there obviously had to be a programmer, right? I mean, someone or something brought this about. But I think we are just chasing our tails trying to figure out what, who, or how. And we are so laughably arrogant us humans. Maybe it's not in the questions or the answers. I know, that dooesn't make sense, but past a certain point, what does make sense!?!
So I conclude with, how have you come to your status? And for some interesting reading, check out "The Story of Adam and Eve" by Chan Thomas, ciadeclassifiedfiles. Which, by the way, are not fully declassified.
I welcome your comments and opinions,
Becca Waits, Seeker of Truth