What to do about an unanswered challenge..
1) answer it yourself- if you see that people are not responding to a challenge, post your own stuff. you cant ask others to do things you are not willing to do yourself. so if you put in 'write a novel worthy of a Pulitzer, then you'd better have something ...
having said that, i realize i haven't always posted on my challenges. its mainly to do with being crushed under a heavy boulder/pirates/work..
2) don't care about participation- even if you didn't get anyone (except you) , it is still good that you raised a challenge. the goal of challenges here is to get people cooking. so anything you give is good.
3) consider that something was wrong with how you presented the topic- maybe it's too specific, maybe it's too open, maybe it is a leading question in disguise (which is not allowed to be used by the prosecution).
4) maybe it was on a portal or it was for a short duration or the word count definition threw people off (write a novel in 15 words or less...)
5) maybe there was a similar challenge recently.
6) maybe instructions were too complicated.
in any case, DO NOT give up on raising challenges and never stop writing...