Gratitude Journal For The Week of 6/6/2022
A Church I follow has an app (Crossroads Anywhere) where we journal together as a community, and one of the things we journal about are things we are thankful for. I wrote these for this week's prompts from the app....
"What are you looking forward to this week?"
- Reflecting on fond memories made at anime conventions this past weekend with family, while also enjoying a more "normal" week.
- Celebrating my daughter's birthday this weekend.
- Reading books that I bought from the authors directly at this past weekend's conventions, and watching the shows and playing the games that the voice actors we met at the conventions are a part of.
- Making progress on writing projects that I've been putting off, including a chapter for a collaborative project on Prose (
"What are you grateful for today?"
- Having time last night to read from the Bible, Crossroads journals, my devotional book for teachers, and one of the new books I got from an anime convention this past weekend.
- Reading with my son last night before bed.
- The sleep I am about to enjoy (it is currently 12:06 AM).
"What made you smile or laugh this week?"
- Watching Skate the Infinity with my family.
- Students remembering random jokes I make in class.
- Running through a sprinkler during Water Day with my students.
Affirmation: "I trust God."
"Is there anything you would like to thank God for this week?"
Thank You God for helping me through another work week, for the possible breakthroughs with some of my students that have been struggling, for tonight's acting opportunity I get to take in with my son, and the celebration of my daughter's birthday this weekend :-)
"Think of a recent book...."
I am thankful for all of the awesome new books I have bought from authors at comic/anime conventions. Besides supporting an artist/author, I am enjoying some great storytelling and writing from these books, and I am thankful for the opportunity to meet the authors at the conventions as well :-)