It wasn’t an Apple
I was thirteen when I discovered Eve did not eat an apple in the Garden of Eden. When I would read Genesis 3, I would ask: How does a serpent talk? How does eating fruit make one realize they are naked? And what does the serpent's seed have to do with this?
I would later go on to ask what made Cain and Abel so different. In 1 John 3:12 it says: Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one. Obviously Adam was not that wicked one. Eve had been carrying twins from separate impregnations. Cain's conception had been prior to Abel's. Which brings us to the serpent seed.
The Bible calls the serpent "more subtle than any beast of the field." He was so subtle he was able to beguile Eve. Which means he talked like a human, and could act like a human.
The "fruit" in Genesis 3, is speaking of the fruit of the womb.
You could say I was raised in a sheltered home, so when I discovered this, my brain needed several days to digest this revelation. This was my first realization of what reproduction was.
(Like I said, sheltered home, lol)