Exquisite Corpse
To say you saved my life would be an understatement.
I was dead. Far beyond rot, smell & decay.
Just bones tossed in a shallow box, torched with hate & rage, then thrown to the ditch amongst dog shit & weeds. There I laid forgotten. Not missing. Not lost. Forgotten.
And then here you come along wanting to love me ...
Blind, I couldn't see your hand
Numb, I couldn't feel your touch
Deaf, I couldn't hear your voice ...
still you stayed & carefully picked me up piece by piece. You meticulously put me back together with each tear of hope, you cleansed me of pain ...
All the while holding tight to strength with every push & shove you endured from me.
Still you stayed, & every glance was air to my lungs & rhythm to a once still heart ...
I began to see you, your eyes, so genuine,
then I began to feel you, your touch, so gentle, and finally I heard you, your voice
so strong, so pure, & this you said ~
"My exquisite corpse
now alive ...
It's just you and me ...
Can I keep you" ...