Why step in it?
I would tell him not to worry. Explain we need not change a thing. To continue trying to eat healthy. And to take note of all the ups and the downs. The education they’ll provide. Will make the fulfilled man you’ll become. You'll raise to healthy children that grow into well rounded resppectfull adults. Which is the only thing you’ll care about by the time your thirty years old. Your only fear will be harm befalling them. And you’ll have sheltered them safely from such. Well into the young adults lives.
One last thing. Altering any part of our history. Could erase their futures. As far as I know your moral compass would not allow you to act so recklessly selfish. Just in case I’m wrong I’ll threaten you with death by suicide assuredly. The positive aspects of life are the prize. The lessons you can learn experiencing the negative. Are no less of a treasure. So says the old. Wise? One.