Quotes from random children
Oooo this is such a fun challenge! I happen to have quite a few quotes because I save them in little notes whenever I hear a kid at a restaurant discussing adding to the conversation or a toddler in line at the grocery store playing with their sibling. Among my favorites are:
"I wasn't chicken... I was just running away."
"I would be a good homeless person."
"Holding farts is painful."
"Yeah, it's mama's hair; it's grey."
"I broke the door down with my rad muscles, my BULGING muscles!"
"Tomorrow we be dogs."
"It's because you don't listen to me like I'm a bug."
"Now I feel like a real man."
"You're a squid's mouth claw."
"Feel my tongue; it's already sweating."
"You're not foolin' anyone super white, super blonde cheerleader girl."
"It's hard to write in ketchup, ok?"
"Is that a headless baby?"