I Am Poem
Write your “I am” poem. What makes you “you”? What makes you tick? Feel free to start the first line of each stanza (or more) with “I am” or not…
I Am
I am the moment you decide to crumble, instead of continue to shove it all down
I am the whirlwind that comes in, makes a mess of the whole environment, then disappears before you can admonish it
I am a stubborn crumb, hiding in your keyboard, screwing with the letter p, until you finally wise up and get the can of compressed air
I am the name on the tip of your tongue
I am the cache of socks lost from the dryer
I am the ripple in the potato chip
I am the burst setting on an M16
I am the pole
I am everything you think I am, but not at all the way you think
But mostly, and completely,
I am.