Society Doesn’t Care
Society doesn't care about incels until one of them drives his car into a crowd. But incels are not just guys, there are also women who are incels and society still doesn't care. Why? Because society is cruel, different people have various levels of what woke people like to call privilege and incels seem to be at the bottom of the pecking order. How do we know this? Because if they weren't, they wouldn't be incels.
There are two other posts so far in this challenge. One from a woman making fun of incels and implying that incels are guys will probably end up shooting up a resteraunt of something and another from a guy who is saying that women can dish it out but they can't take it. Both posts disgust me because an incel is a real person who for whatever reason (self inflicted or not) will never experience true intimacy with another person and society really doesn't care about that. Society only cares when it affects people with a higher social status.