Glimpse of my mind
Good morning world and all who inhabit it. TO be honest, I don't know what to write here. I Don't know if I want to share all that's on my mind to the internet today.
So today is February 14th, Valentine's Day, and I'm single as a pringle. I'm not doing anything, and I'm okay with that. Okay, I have 1 thing I need to do twoday. Wayt, two things to do today. Make cake and go to this grief recovery class. I'm note even remotely prepared for class and tbh I have broken the "don't go back and edit" rule.
I have homework I istll need to complete for it tbh and I'm dreading it. I'm going to continue to break the rul when necessary. I'm supposed to make a relationship graph about how I Felt about things that had happened to me/were done to bme by a specific person. I won't goin to detail but I'm absolutely dreading it. I have to do my dad. I said I would do my dad. I don't even know what to write on it.
I'm supposed to be dealing with my emtoins, the way things he did made me feel, and I'm supposed to do it in chronological order or something and it sucks. I don't know what to put on it. I don't know how I felt or anything. I didn't even finish all of the reading I was supposed to do. I don't want to go tonight. BUt, I have my partner whose counting on me and I only have three more classes to go before I'm done. I've had a week to work on it and today is literally the firtst day off I've had since last Tuesday. I got most of the reading done.
I also have a cake to make. I have approximately 7 and a quarter hours before I need to leave for my class today. I have time for cake. I got it started by making the raspberry filling part, but I Need to do that baking part. The cooling of the ckaes part. I also could progbably eat something.
I'm not going out for the holiday today. Maybe I'll go out early and get a mocktail from a local dessert place. I could leave a little early and stop by there. I thought about taking myself out ot lunch but I think I might order some fried chicken since my dad mentioned wanting some yesterday. So instead I'll just buy every one dinner. Mkaes today easy.
RIght now I'm having a hard timed staying focused. I had a little caffeine today. I try not to consume it because it doesn't actually make you not tired it just fools your brain into think you're not tired.
So for the cake, I gotta make batter and bake it and let it cool. Yesterday was crab rangoon day and I got the crab rangoonl. Ate the leftovers for breakfast. Might eat something more hearty now. Idk. We will see.
Have a lovely day. :)
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