This Hidden
It's that place I call home;
Dark, damp and lonely;
No place anyone would choose to roam;
The outside scares me;
But inside I don't want to be alone;
There is a struggle within me that needs connection but fears being left out in the cold;
I get out of bed with plans for days ahead;
Instead find myself immobilized and under my bedspread;
Searching for my cloak of disguise;
Keeping up this charade letting no one know the battle that pulls me from inside;
The life force of energy fills me but the world depletes me;
They all don't know the ghosts that haunt me secretly;
The pain, loss, insecurities that coexist under the surface;
The strength it takes to keep them at bay it's like managing a circus;
They don't know how one misspoken word can put an ache so deep in my heart that I question my own purpose;
The one thing I do know… is I am more than this darkness.