"Lies that turned into...."
Write a piece using these words adding what you feel that 'lies turn into'
Two rules
1. There has to be a sentence of something erotic
2. Ending has to have a twist :)
Dancing Lies
I absorbed his lies like thirst for soul
falsehoods skittering dance on mind
touch felt true and pure on my skin
I ignored itching doubts lingering.
He looked with fake love in eyes
shut tightly under veil of falsehood
deceitful eyes hidden beneath lashes
black cunning heart scheming
to pillage body, leaving bones.
Ravaged essence, drank lifeblood
crimson drops on tongue.
Creeping into psyche in faltering steps,
love bloomed in hardened mind,
daisies waving in tilled field
“I must have you, possess you,”
he murmured in quiet whispers.
“I’m married,” I said, revenge beaming
“He who laughs last, laughs best.”