Wrong stop.
It didn't have to be inevitable;
we're both to blame for this mess,
but it's a hard pill to swallow
when you realize that
you left your soul on a playground
and forgot how to sing
or what you really look like
underneath the grime and dinge,
how the last time you felt yourself
was when your swing wasn't in a dumpster
and your house wasn't charred
and all the flowers still bloomed
in your old backyard
and you knew who you were
what you wanted
even where you needed to go
yet somehow you forgot that
and you didn't know
what your name meant anymore
but things don't have to stay forgotten
not all memories are put to rest
and the real me, or you, was still
beating in my chest
waiting for the day you'd search
for her again
and for your name to light up
a room like only you can.