The Spark
What I want people to feel when they see my art?
The spark, the tireless motivation that seems to burst from me when I take on some 'meaningless' task and turn it into some sort of masterpiece and I'm staring at it like I just painted the grandest acrylic painting in less than an hour before shrugging, feeling like 'eh, I could do better' and churning out another six and repeating on the one that strikes out to me. Usually the doodles. And then I might relax a bit, ask people what they think and then laugh and talk about where the journey put me at the end and how I actually meant to end it.
It's like a permanent memory of what I was doing, exactly when and where. What I was feeling, like the way people snap photos of themselves. Selfies, I guess, and so I'm showing it to people like 'look at my selfie, don't I look ridiculous?' and they might pop off into some jovial conversation with me and we might talk loudly at each other for a minute.
I want my stuff to be the opening to a grander conversation, on the emotional highs, the things that aren't about me but about the work and then we might stuff our faces with tea and meals from Wendy's or that local creperie. I don't care where. I just want to talk about the thing that was made, the emotions that evoked to see if I hit my mark and that they caught on. That it reminded them of memory they had of themselves so they might draw them up, tell me a little story like my art was the toll, the proverbial coin, to learn a new piece of information I otherwise wasn't privy to.