The Mass
As a general rule 7v7 refrains from tagging, as i aim not to irritate or annoy.
As a general rule, because I post only into challenges to keep my wheels geared (geared not greased), i make a habit of noting the @ proser as a credit and record for the source of the inspiration and prompt. If he or she is looking to read and respond to their challenge entries, they will find me; no need to Nag is my thinking.
That is in response to Do I Mass Tag?
And as for being tagged, i love to be It!
...joking aside, it's nice when someone wants to share or engage... when i work up the nerve, I sometimes tag a specific proser whose challenge inspired something for me which i subsequently posted, outside the deadline, hence not in the challenge itself. But, one tag as you can see, does not make a Mass... however...
I felt so Honored when @Prose included me in The MASS tag... as a fact I had been posting almost daily since mid 2020 and suddenly a week or two ago, i saw 7v7 added to the long list of esteemed prosers. Well i felt I had finally Arrived.
...and it weighed on my conscience that my daily posting had flagged. For very valid and temporary reasons. But the tag made me feel no longer as a small, isolated satellite, but a recognized part of the bigger machinery!
A person can't read Everything Posted on Prose. Wonderful writes inevitably fall through the cracks of inattention. But if there is a tag, a link is made, automatically in the News Feed, where it remains infinitely and can be retrieved anytime one logins in. That connection is a very nice thing. It's a link between readers and reads. A very important thing. Arguable more important than "exposure," though doubtlessly tagging more folks will tend to accomplish that goal and will hopefully lead to interesting conversation and invention.
Thank you for tagging! Challenge @voiceinthewind